Matt Coy
Looks like you had/have the Duster/W32.HLLW.Studd virus.
Your best bet would be to update your virus definitions, disable System
Restore, run a full scan and see if that takes care of the issue. If so,
re-enable System Restore.
If this doesn't solve your problem, go to Start, Run, and type 'msconfig'.
Go to the Startup tab and look for an entry entitled 'dust' or whose path
under the Command column goes to dust.exe (you may have to adjust the
column's width to see the full path of the files listed). Anything labeled
'dust' should be unchecked. Also check in the Start Menu under the Startup
folder and delete the entry if it happens to be listed there.
Info on the virus:
Your best bet would be to update your virus definitions, disable System
Restore, run a full scan and see if that takes care of the issue. If so,
re-enable System Restore.
If this doesn't solve your problem, go to Start, Run, and type 'msconfig'.
Go to the Startup tab and look for an entry entitled 'dust' or whose path
under the Command column goes to dust.exe (you may have to adjust the
column's width to see the full path of the files listed). Anything labeled
'dust' should be unchecked. Also check in the Start Menu under the Startup
folder and delete the entry if it happens to be listed there.
Info on the virus: