DupVal/PrimKey Error For 1 User

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bonnie
  • Start date Start date


Using A02. I have a form that allows new records only. I
have one lady getting the "Can't create record now as it
may create a duplicate value....." message. I go to
another lady's PC and open the form, add a record just
fine. Why would it work fine for so long and now only mess
up on one PC and not another? (My DB is used on a shared
drive.)(My table has an autonumber primary key.) Any ideas
what could be the reason? I'm stumped, but then I'm not a
very tall tree to begin with.

I would appreciate any help or advice on this strange turn
of events. Thanks in advance for your time.
Sorry, I posted too quickly. The next PC soon had the same
issues. I had to restore about 700 records yesterday and
evidently the autonumber field is having issues. The next
number to be assigned is listed as 133620 and I have
restored records ranging up into the 138000 range. I'm
going to hit the dup val error until I can leap over the
autonumber above the highest existing number. Can I reset
the next assigned autonumber? Any fix on that other than
putting in a new field for the autonum, delete the old
autonum field and let the new one reassign all record

Thanks in advance for your patience and advice.