thanks for your help, but this is the way i can duplicate the first level
only, as i understood.
I've seen this page in your website:
it was very helpful with the 1st two levels in my duplication. however, i
still don't know how to duplicate the third level since their could be
than 1 VO and every VO can have more than 1 Obstruction. Here is the code
using for my 1st two tables levels
Private Sub TagValues(GetTag As Boolean)
Dim varCtlNames As Variant
Dim lngX As Long
varCtlNames = Array("Cont_Month", "Cont_Name", "Cont_Org_Value",
"Cont_Apr_Value", _
"Cont_Start_Date", "Cont_Comp_Date", "Cont_Contractor",
"Cont_Consultant", "Cont_Overall", "Cont_Comments",
For lngX = 0 To UBound(varCtlNames)
If GetTag Then
Me.Controls(varCtlNames(lngX)) = Me.Controls(varCtlNames(lngX)).Tag
Me.Controls(varCtlNames(lngX)).Tag = _
Nz(Me.Controls(varCtlNames(lngX)), vbNullString)
End If
Next lngX
If GetTag Then
Me.Cont_Month = DateAdd("m", 1, Me.Cont_Month)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Call TagValues(False)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
Call TagValues(Me.NewRecord)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSqlVO As String
Dim bkmrkdCont As Integer
Dim MaxRec As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_cmdNew_Click
Set rst = Forms![Frm_Cont_Monthly_Details_Edit].RecordsetClone
'move to last record 'to copy its details
'bookmark the last record
Forms![Frm_Cont_Monthly_Details_Edit].Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
'takes the value of the bookmarked Cont_Monthly_No for subforms' sql
bkmrkdCont = Me.RecordsetClone!Cont_Monthly_No
'add the new record based on Function: TagValues
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
'takes the value of greatest (last saved which is of the
Tbl_Cont_Monthly_Change report that we've just created) Cont_Monthly_No
MaxRec = DMax("Cont_Monthly_No", "Tbl_Cont_Monthly_Change")
'sql to insert the VOs of the last record (last
Tbl_Cont_Monthly_Change report) into the new record
strSqlVO = "INSERT INTO Tbl_VO ( VO_Desc, VO_Value, VO_Remarks,
Cont_Monthly_No )" & _
" SELECT Tbl_VO.VO_Desc, Tbl_VO.VO_Value,
Tbl_VO.VO_Remarks," & MaxRec & "" & _
" FROM Tbl_Cont_Monthly_Change INNER JOIN Tbl_VO ON
Tbl_Cont_Monthly_Change.Cont_Monthly_No = Tbl_VO.Cont_Monthly_No" & _
" WHERE (((Tbl_VO.Cont_Monthly_No)=" & bkmrkdCont &
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strSqlVO, dbFailOnError
Debug.Print bkmrkdCont
Debug.Print Me.Cont_Monthly_No
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, "Invalid Move"
Resume Exit_cmdNew_Click
End Sub