Duplicate shortcuts and icons



Almost all programs in Start|All programs are listed twice and I have
two identical icons for almost every item in Control Panel.
I have been having numerous problems with Kaspersky Security Suite and
have been guided by their Technical Support through a whole load of
steps (too numerous to remember or explain clearly) in an attempt to
address these, so I suppose that I have caused this along the way
without being aware of it.
Any suggestions about how to get rid of them would be VERY welcome (in
Start|Programs, it looks as though I can just delete each shortcut, but

that option isn't available for the Control Panel icons, as far as I
can see.) I did a search for "*.cpl" files, suggested by a colleague,

and this threw up all the duplicates, but did not (as far as I could
see) give a way of deleting them.
As is probably very obvious, I'm not very computer-literate, so I'll be

really grateful for any help and, of course, will give any further info

needed as best I can.
Paul Bowden UK

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Almost all programs in Start|All programs are listed twice and I have
two identical icons for almost every item in Control Panel.
I have been having numerous problems with Kaspersky Security Suite and
have been guided by their Technical Support through a whole load of
steps (too numerous to remember or explain clearly) in an attempt to
address these, so I suppose that I have caused this along the way
without being aware of it.
Any suggestions about how to get rid of them would be VERY welcome (in
Start|Programs, it looks as though I can just delete each shortcut, but

that option isn't available for the Control Panel icons, as far as I
can see.) I did a search for "*.cpl" files, suggested by a colleague,

and this threw up all the duplicates, but did not (as far as I could
see) give a way of deleting them.
As is probably very obvious, I'm not very computer-literate, so I'll be

really grateful for any help and, of course, will give any further info

needed as best I can.
Paul Bowden UK

Please state where exactly your duplicate .cpl files reside.


Search brings up 116
About half are represented by their Control Panel icon and are
described simply as (name=) 'Control Panel.
The others are in C:\windows\system 32 and are described as 'Control
Panel Extensions
Thanks for taking the time to consider this and post your help - it's
much appreciated.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Search brings up 116
About half are represented by their Control Panel icon and are
described simply as (name=) 'Control Panel.
The others are in C:\windows\system 32 and are described as 'Control
Panel Extensions
Thanks for taking the time to consider this and post your help - it's
much appreciated.

The duplications are most likely caused by inappropriate
entries in the registry. The easiest way to get rid of them
would be to use System Restore to a point prior to when
the problem first occurred. You won't lose any data when
doing this.


Ah, but the problem is that, in the course of (successfully,
eventually) sorting out the problems I had with Kaspersky, I was
instructed to disable System Restore, during which it warned me that
previous restore points would be wiped.
Forgive a really stupid question, but is there no program which will
locate and allow the deletion of duplicate items? (Sorry: I know
nothing about computers and) I'm again grateful for your help.
Best wishes

David Candy

I can see how start can duplicate (I think I first diagnosed the cause), but it would have no effect on CP.

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