You may want to try looking for a corrupt OST file.
I would look into a possible synchronization problem or a corrupt
OST file. You could try renaming the OST file with a .OLD extension.
(This is to preserve the info, just in case) This needs to be done while
Outlook is closed. Then when you open Outlook it will rebuild the
OST file fresh. Depending on the size of the mailbox, it could take
a bit of time for Outlook to build a new one.
1.. Quit Outlook.
2.. Search the Hard drive (<F3>) to locate the *.ost file.
(Be sure to check in HIDDEN files on W2K or WXP.)
3.. Delete all that are found from the FIND window.
4.. Open Outlook.
When you restart Outlook, and use a form, the forms cache
is re-created.
Nikki - I have Outlook 2007 & I did try /cleanreminders & /clensnif - both
did not work.
Any other options?