Several available. You can use Microsoft Digital Image Suite 9. It will
build a library of image for you and then you can make this kind of search.
You can also do it with XP itself and a few tricks.
Click on Start, click on Search, Pictures and type exactly this for file
This will search all your photo files on your hard drive and display them in
the window. Change the View on this window to Details.
1. Right click on the column heading Name and More at the bottom of the
opening list. Add the items Date Picture taken. This column will be added in
the display window.
2. You can now sort the files by clicking on the column header Date Picture
taken. Obviously, duplicates will have the same date and time, but this may
not be sufficient to recognize duplicate. If you did not edit them, just
Save as and gave another name, duplicate will have the same file size. Click
on the column heading Size to sort by size and as you go down the list,
check the date picture taken column when you find two of the same size. To
make this easy, move the columns Size and Date picture taken next to each
3. You can also look at the thumbnails. Once you are done sorting the files
by Date picture taken or by size in the Details view. Change the View to
Thumbnails. The thumbnails will be displayed in this new order and you
should be able to pick the duplicates next to each other.