I think the server created the corp zone automatically.
I'm afraid it's tied into the zone so
that if I delete corp, the server will delete
Note that we created www as a child to, so
that a User on our LAN trying to browse
will find our public machine that we host on our dmz. Is
this standard, or are and
usually on the same level?
I cannot see how the server will create this zone automatically unless you
mean during the dcpromo process? If that's so, it's saying to me that you
have a single label DNS domain name, which is very problematic with DNS and
AD. The name 'corp' has no hierarchal structure, such a the name Unless of course you are looking at your zones in
Advanced View and you are looking at the cache? But if that were the case
you would see the 'com' zone listed and other subzones of it in cache.
FYI, zones don't 'tie' in with other zones on a DNS server. Each zone is a
separate namespace, therefore a separate entity.
Can you post an ipconfig /all and let us know what the AD DNS domain name is
as it shows up in your ADUC? I think we should establish whether you have a
single label name or not first at this time.
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Windows Server - Directory Services
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