8:46 AM EST 6/1/2006 basics
There are many of these types of programs. I am sure suggestions are coming
and I look forward to seeing them as well.
These types of programs are basically of two types:
programs that compare based on some file parameter (such as file name) and,
programs that compare based on actual content of the file (obviously these
will run much slower).
Regardless of the basis for comparison, the end result is a list of
duplicate files and perhaps a offer to do something with them.
What are your goals? I have tried to use a pre-NFTS version of McAffee
QuickClean-- which compares based on file name-- to clean up clutter but I
have never found it very useful. After I read your post, I ran this program
and it produced a list of 4238 "duplicate" files most of which look like they
were created by XP or other programs. But there is no way to view those
files from the QuickClean interface in order to determine which duplicate I
should keep. Also, it does not give me the option of saving the "duplicates"
to a "JUNK" file and restoring all or part if I make a mistake. The prompt
that says "Procede with delete?" should be replaced with "Crash System?" LOL
If eliminating clutter is your goal, maybe the best solution is strict
compliance to a thorough and accurate file-naming convention. This prevents
unrecognized clutter and is especially easy with NFTS "long" file names.
"Pictures of Mexico vacation 06" is better than "PicMex".
Depending on YOUR goals, there are also programs for keeping duplicate files
in sync as regards to content (such as on a laptop and PC). Maybe that is
more what you are looking for?
I hope we get many posts on this issue.