There are many duplicated windows system files on a typical XP computer.
However these are located in particular folders for particular purposes
namely providing replacements if the one in use becomes damaged or if
you wish to uninstall an update etc. These are generally best left as
they are.
Something has prompted you to ask your question. Is it that you running
out of free space on your hard disk? If yes how large is your hard drive
and how much free space does it have? If your hard drive is partitioned
then details for each partition would be helpful.
To investigate how you are using hard disk space you need to make sure
that you can see all files. Go to Start, Control Panel, Folder Options,
View, Advanced Settings and verify that the box before "Show hidden
files and folders" is checked and "Hide protected operating system files
" is unchecked. You may need to scroll down to see the second item. You
should also make certain that the box before "Hide extensions for known
file types" is not checked. Next in Windows Explorer make sure View,
Details is selected and then select View, Choose Details and check
before Name, Type, Total Size, and Free Space.
Hope this helps.
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