Ok, I sort of understand that, but am still a bit hazy. Could you explain
why this won't work? right now I have a student table to take the peopleid
and associate it with a studentid. Then I have a gaurdian table to associate
a persion as a gaurdian and then show the relationship to a particular
address - addressid, address, city, province, postalcode
attendance – attendanceid, peopleid, lessondate, lessonstatus, lessonnotes
phone- phoneid, phonenum, extension, phlocation
email - emailid email, emailLocation, isprimary
webservice – webserviceid, username, service
people – peopleid, firstname, lastname
products – productid, producttype, productdesc, price
student – id, peopleid, lessonday, gender, DOB, iscurrent
guardian – id, peopleid1, peopleid2, relationship, isprimary
people_address – id, peopleid, addressid
people_phone – id, peopleid, phoneid
people_email – id, peopleid, emailed
people_webservice – id, peopleid, webserviceid
The deeper I get in this, the more I get confused