This site is indeed for helping people, not just beginners but people of all
levels, with various problems. My comment was directed at your request that
somebody write the code for you rather than that somebody point you in the
right direction, especially considering that the problem (which I did not at
the time) could be unrelated to code. I posted my reply before your
follow-up appeared. No sarcasm was intended.
To the problem at hand, if clock_id is the primary key (PK) you are limited
to one record for each PK value. There can be only one employee with the
number 1234. If you go to table design view and look at the PK field you
will see that the Indexed property is "Yes (No Duplicates)".
In a relational database a table contains information about a single entity
such as Employee. The employee table should be for storing information that
is specific to each employee: Clock_ID, FirstName, LastName, Address, City,
etc. Department may be in there, if each employee belongs to a single
department. If you are trying to add something like payroll records, you
need a separate table for that, related one-to-many from the Employee table.
Clock_ID (PK)
TimeWorkedID (PK)
Clock_ID (foreign key, or FK)
Since I don't know if this is the situation I won't go into a lot of detail,
but the outline of the process is that you first click Tools >
Relationships. Add both tables, then drag Clock_ID from one table to the
other. Click Enforce Referential Integrity when the dialog appears. Now
each Employee record can be associated with any number of TimeWorked
records. One way of handling the TimeWorked records is that each day can be
a separate record, but there are other options. In any case, you would
create a form based on tblEmployee and a subform (continuous view may be
best) based on tblTimeWorked. You can use the subform wizard in the toolbox
to add the subform to the main form.