Barbara Nelles-McClelland
I accidently i.e. stupidly, duplicated all my photos, and there are over
2,000 since taking a household photo inventory, under
My Computer; Owner's Documents. I cannot delete or change name or anything
without it affecting the original location under
My Documents; My pictures. Says "used by other program".
Can work with them in both places but using up a ton of space and
confusing me.
Can anyone help me please. Have hard & fast deadline to finish inventory
catalgue by Friday and ready to throw whole works out the window.
Thanks 905-833-0085 Barbara
2,000 since taking a household photo inventory, under
My Computer; Owner's Documents. I cannot delete or change name or anything
without it affecting the original location under
My Documents; My pictures. Says "used by other program".
Can work with them in both places but using up a ton of space and
confusing me.
Can anyone help me please. Have hard & fast deadline to finish inventory
catalgue by Friday and ready to throw whole works out the window.
Thanks 905-833-0085 Barbara