The following item is in my Msconfig Startup:
%systemroot%\\system32\\dumprep 0 -u
I have done a Google search (including Groups) and could only find reference
to "-k". No problems noticed. Could someone please explain the "-u" entry,
it's meaning and need??
Below found on Google:
%systemroot%\\system32\\dumprep 0 -k
Dumprep.exe = Windows Error Reporting Dump Reporting Tool
Many of thanks,
Heirloom, old and trying to learn a new one
%systemroot%\\system32\\dumprep 0 -u
I have done a Google search (including Groups) and could only find reference
to "-k". No problems noticed. Could someone please explain the "-u" entry,
it's meaning and need??
Below found on Google:
%systemroot%\\system32\\dumprep 0 -k
Dumprep.exe = Windows Error Reporting Dump Reporting Tool
Many of thanks,
Heirloom, old and trying to learn a new one