M Marina Roos Nov 25, 2003 #2 Remove the check at File and printersharing in the nic-properties. marina
D Doug Sherman [MVP] Nov 26, 2003 #3 Try this: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;enus;321710 Doug Sherman MCSE Win2k/NT4.0, MCSA, MCP+I, MVP
Try this: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;enus;321710 Doug Sherman MCSE Win2k/NT4.0, MCSA, MCP+I, MVP
T Topski Nov 26, 2003 #4 Off course, one is to stop the server service on a workstation (not preferred) and one is to do a registry alteration (sorry, don;t know which one, lots of info about this on the net).
Off course, one is to stop the server service on a workstation (not preferred) and one is to do a registry alteration (sorry, don;t know which one, lots of info about this on the net).