Dumb Question - The Difference of these Three Downloads?

  • Thread starter Thread starter TeVan
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Greetings TeVan,

#1 and #3 are similar (we are at 7.0.0816 now though). The difference in the filesizes is
simply because one includes the Windows Installer and other requirements that are built-in to
XP and Windows 2000 (and 98 and Millennium Edition don't have).

#2 is Windows Messenger 4.7 and is a completely separate product to MSN Messenger.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2005 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.
Thank you.

Does MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger have similar function?
Why would a person choose one over the other?
Sorry for all the questions, I've never used Messenger before and I'm

There are several differences between the two. Most notably, MSN Messenger 7 has support for
display pictures, custom emoticons, has a different interface, etc. whereas Windows Messenger
supports SIP-based communications services, Exchange IM Server, etc. Which one you use is up
to you if you're simply using the most basic functionality, connecting to the public .NET
Messenger service) and a matter of personal choice. However one thing to keep in mind,
Windows Messenger must still be installed on Windows XP in order for MSN Messenger to retain
full functionality (Remote Assistance, Whiteboard, Application Sharing, etc.).

MSN Messenger is centered around MSN technologies (Hotmail, MSN Member Profiles, MSN Mobile,
etc.) whereas Windows Messenger is centered around Windows technologies (Exchange Server,
Office Live Communications Server, Windows Netmeeting, etc.).

As such, MSN Messenger is centered towards the consumer and Windows Messenger is centered
towards the corporate user.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2005 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.
Ahhh, very well, thank you. That makes perfect sense.

The original impetus of my interest has been solved by webmessenger.

Thank you again...
Thank you for this information, especially regarding the necessity for BOTH
MSN and Windows Messenger. I am a MSN Premium subscriber and have been
having issues with MSN Messenger for YEARS. The original problem that I was
having was that every time I logged into the MSN software (not MSN
messenger), my messenger would log out, log in, log out...and it continued
for a very long time until it just stayed logged out. All of this signing in
and out everytime I wanted to use MSN was taking up waaay too much of my
time. Well, when I finally got my issue pushed up through the levels of
support, I was finally told that I should NOT have both MSN Messenger and
Windows Messenger enabled. Disabling Windows Messenger didn't work. We
tried using the options to disable it, tried uninstalling from Add/Remove
programs, tried disabling it in msconfig, and still nothing worked. I
finally had to reformat the hard drive and select a custom Windows
installation so that I could EXCLUDE Windows Explorer from installing
altogether. Well, of course, this didn't work either as you must know from
your comments. I am STILL having issues and I have made DOZENS of calls to
MSN tech support. I am certainly going to try your recommendation of
reinstalling Windows Messenger to see if it resolves my issues.

By the way, I have WinXP Pro SP2 and MSN9, and MSN Explorer is the most
current version.

One series of realted questions, though. I seem to remember reading
somewhere that if you have BOTH Windows Explorer and MSN Explorer that each
needed to use a different .NET Passport. Is this true? If so, do I need to
create another User account (even though I am the only person that uses this
computer) and assign it a different .NET Passport? And if I DO need to use
different passports, does one use MSN Messenger and one use Windows
Messenger? If the 2 user accounts use different messengers, how does that
get assigned? Can you tell me how to set that up? And does that mean that
if Iwant to use MSN Messenger, for example, I need to use one particular sign
in name and if I want to use Windows Messenger, I need to sign in under the
other user account?

I apologize for all of the questions, but I have really been given the
run-around by using MSN telephone tech support (and online MSN support is
even worse) and I could really use your help! Apparently, MSN tech support
does not have your expertise.

Thank you! I am urgently awaiting your resonse because I would really like
to get this problem fixed (I've been dealing with it for several years)