Phillip McClurg
I just had VC++ installed by our administrator - when I
tried to debug a test application I discovered I did not
have access because I wasn't in the Debugger User Group.
Geez - I guess I'll call the administrator back up and
have him waste another thirty minutes because Microsoft is
busy creating another industry called "I'm sorry, you
can't use the software you just purchased from us."
By the way, are there any other menu items I need the
administrator to come by and enable?
Get Real Bill - Phil McClurg
tried to debug a test application I discovered I did not
have access because I wasn't in the Debugger User Group.
Geez - I guess I'll call the administrator back up and
have him waste another thirty minutes because Microsoft is
busy creating another industry called "I'm sorry, you
can't use the software you just purchased from us."
By the way, are there any other menu items I need the
administrator to come by and enable?
Get Real Bill - Phil McClurg