RedSys said:
Will i be able to run Vista allong side Xp, i did try this with the Beta 2
but it corrupted and destroyed both installs....almost killed my hard
made me sad.....please tell me if this is going to be a problem.
Dual boot, actually multi-boot, with three XP installations, and two Vista
installations of differing builds prior to Beta 2, have worked fine here.
Post Beta 2 one of the XP Pro w/ SP2 installations was upgraded to different
Vista releases. Right now I'm multi-booting with two XP installations, one
Vista RC1 that is an upgrade from an XP Pro w/SP2 installation, and one
Vista RC1 clean install. The second XP installation and the two Vista are
in separate volumes in an extended partition on the same drive. I have had
to use VistaBootPro to edit the Vista Boot loader when duplicate entries
showed up for the Vista installations but other than that every thing has
worked well.