Hi all,
I wonder if there is any possibility of connecting two ATX PSUs
together in a simple way without any electronic circuits.
Well, where exactly do you draw the line, calling something an electronic
circuit instead of an electrical circuit? Any halfway decent engineer
will find a way to do it using the most parts, the highest complexity
possible, but we'd need to know exactly what your specific needs are to
advise of the best alternative.
The easiest, generic answer would be:
By using a clip-on splice connector, connect both supply's PS_ON (green
wire, pin 14) together.
That's all you need to get the 2nd power supply to turn on when you power
on the system, but each supply still acts independantly, no current
sharing, and depending on the particular supplies you may need a load on
the 5V rail of the supply not connected to the motherboard... just about
anything will do, a 10 Ohm 5W power resistor, a hard or optical drive,
Many people asking about use of a 2nd power supply are starting out with
one of insufficient capacity... might be just as well to buy a higher
wattage power supply.