I have a Win2k server that we just installed a second NIC
card in. Both NIC's are configured on the same segment
with static addresses. I'm finding that our server
monitoring tool loses connection to the server
periodically. In tracing traffic, we've noticed that
requests from our monitoring tool come in through the
primary NIC but sometimes try to answer on the secondary
NIC. Is there a way to force Win2k to respond back on
the same NIC card all the time and not try routing out on
the secondary NIC?
card in. Both NIC's are configured on the same segment
with static addresses. I'm finding that our server
monitoring tool loses connection to the server
periodically. In tracing traffic, we've noticed that
requests from our monitoring tool come in through the
primary NIC but sometimes try to answer on the secondary
NIC. Is there a way to force Win2k to respond back on
the same NIC card all the time and not try routing out on
the secondary NIC?