We have a remote office that is connecting to the local Win2k advance server terminal server and client has dual monitors connected to it. At this time we are using the RDP desktop on the clients and all clients are Win2k pro.
Is there a client or way to make the RDP client dual monitor aware so that dual monitors works the same as it does on a workstation. We are doing this for quality assurance so they can bring up pdf documents on one monitor and database information on the other for data comparison.
I have tried Citrix, Terminal Server Client and rdesktop in Linux as well and none of these has worked well. Rdesktop in linux spreads the screen across both monitors so you can not run application in maximized mode and would require additional licensing which we would like to avoid.
Is there a client or way to make the RDP client dual monitor aware so that dual monitors works the same as it does on a workstation. We are doing this for quality assurance so they can bring up pdf documents on one monitor and database information on the other for data comparison.
I have tried Citrix, Terminal Server Client and rdesktop in Linux as well and none of these has worked well. Rdesktop in linux spreads the screen across both monitors so you can not run application in maximized mode and would require additional licensing which we would like to avoid.