Z Man
I have three or four Dell systems I need to convert from single monitor to
dual monitors. These are standard businesses systems running Excel and Word
in an financial office environment, so we don't need a high performance
solution. All the systems currently are running 17" CRT monitors, and I plan
on purchasing 19" LCD monitors, which I can get in the mid-$200's.
Management is very sensitive to computer expenditures. What is my least
expense method of enabling dual LCD monitors? Should I replace the onboard
video with a video card that supports two monitors? Should I add a second
video card? Or, is there an adapter that will let me use two monitors with
my current video card? I expect to purchase LCD monitors should have both
analog and DVI inputs. Thanks for any advise or thoughts on this issue.
dual monitors. These are standard businesses systems running Excel and Word
in an financial office environment, so we don't need a high performance
solution. All the systems currently are running 17" CRT monitors, and I plan
on purchasing 19" LCD monitors, which I can get in the mid-$200's.
Management is very sensitive to computer expenditures. What is my least
expense method of enabling dual LCD monitors? Should I replace the onboard
video with a video card that supports two monitors? Should I add a second
video card? Or, is there an adapter that will let me use two monitors with
my current video card? I expect to purchase LCD monitors should have both
analog and DVI inputs. Thanks for any advise or thoughts on this issue.