You cannot install Windows 98 after Windows XP except for that you get
a third-party boot manager to steer your dual-boot setup.
"How to Create a Multiple-Boot System with Windows XP"
It is possible to install win 98 after xp and dual boot but it is long
winded. Personally i haven't tried it myself. I much prefer to install
operating systems for dual boot in the correct order, i.e., older first then
newer. Like Thorsten suggested you really need a third party boot manager.
However, if you want to go down the route of attermpting to install win 98
after xp and dual booting you might find the instructions on Doug Knox MVP
site useful. Go to Click on the XP Tips option on the left
of the screen and then look for 'Install 98/Me after XP is Installed'. This
will give you some tips on how to proceed.