dual boot xp and vista...with vista recovery dvd

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Tried to look for a solution but could not find in previous posts.

Here is my problem but first of all
i am not a computer expert but can follow the commands easily as suggested.

I have a Sony notebook with windows vista pre-installed and no windows DVD.
I want to install windows xp on this note book along with keeping the vista.
I did hard disk formatting in NTFS, made two partition and installed windows
xp in one partition. windows xp worked fine as expected.

Then i used the recovery DVD for windows vista and tried to install windopws
vista from this. The instalation went well but when it was finished and
computer restarted there was no option for dual boot. On booting vista i
checked the partition where i had installed xp..I found that vista installed
itself in that partition and xp was removed.

Can anyone guide me how to install both xp and vista for dual boot using
windows xp cd to install and using recovery DVD to install vista. I will be
greatful to all suggestions.

VS said:

Tried to look for a solution but could not find in previous posts.

Here is my problem but first of all
i am not a computer expert but can follow the commands easily as

I have a Sony notebook with windows vista pre-installed and no windows
I want to install windows xp on this note book along with keeping the
I did hard disk formatting in NTFS, made two partition and installed
xp in one partition. windows xp worked fine as expected.

Then i used the recovery DVD for windows vista and tried to install
vista from this. The instalation went well but when it was finished and
computer restarted there was no option for dual boot. On booting vista i
checked the partition where i had installed xp..I found that vista
itself in that partition and xp was removed.

Can anyone guide me how to install both xp and vista for dual boot using
windows xp cd to install and using recovery DVD to install vista. I will
greatful to all suggestions.


You will not be able to do what you want with your Sony recovery DVD.
The recovery DVD will put the system back to as shipped from the factory.
If you wish to do a regular install you ill need to purchase a full copy of
Windows Vista.
Your recovery disk will not work for a dual boot!!
Recovery disks partition and format your computers drive to factory specs,
puts your system back to (when you took it out of the box) for the first time.

If you want to dual boot you will need to either Buy a full version of vista
or install another drive so you can install Xp on it with your vista install
on the other.
you would end up with 2 harddrives, and can boot from either drive with your
system bios on startup.

the 2 drive sytem works great just unplug your installed vista drive while
you install Xp on the other, then reconnect your vista drive and off you go.

2 O/S ON 1 DRIVE wipe your drive clean! with 2 partitions install XP on one
partition first ,And vista second, on the other partition, install a boot
loader and you off the the races. means reinstalling 2 O/S from scratch

Good luck
VS said:

Tried to look for a solution but could not find in previous posts.

Here is my problem but first of all
i am not a computer expert but can follow the commands easily as

I have a Sony notebook with windows vista pre-installed and no windows
I want to install windows xp on this note book along with keeping the
I did hard disk formatting in NTFS, made two partition and installed
xp in one partition. windows xp worked fine as expected.

Then i used the recovery DVD for windows vista and tried to install
vista from this. The instalation went well but when it was finished and
computer restarted there was no option for dual boot. On booting vista i
checked the partition where i had installed xp..I found that vista
itself in that partition and xp was removed.

Can anyone guide me how to install both xp and vista for dual boot using
windows xp cd to install and using recovery DVD to install vista. I will
greatful to all suggestions.


Can be done.
Probably need to use your recovery DVD to get Vista back and running. Then
make sure you have a second partition large enough for XP.
Follow instructions here:
You said you installed XP successfully so I assume you have an XP
installation CD and valid product code.
DanR said:
Can be done.
Probably need to use your recovery DVD to get Vista back and running. Then
make sure you have a second partition large enough for XP.
Follow instructions here:
You said you installed XP successfully so I assume you have an XP
installation CD and valid product code.

One more thing. As you follow the instructions you will be told to "shrink"
your C: volume to make room for another partition where you will install XP.
It could be that you can not shrink the C: partition enough to make for
adaquate room. You won't know this until you try. If this does happen you
would need 3rd party hard drive managing software. I'm not familure enough
with these apps to recommend one.
Hi VS--

I respectfully don't believe this can be done with a Recovery DVD for Vista
and agree with what Mike Brannigan has already pointed out. I think you
will need a Vista DVD to spell Vista. If you had used a Vista DVD, you
might be able to use the very helpful apps Rick suggested to get your
bootloaders in order for the dual boot, but I'm skeptical you can do this
with *the recovery DVD in the equation instead of a real Windows Vista.
Of course you can try.

One more caveat is that a general rule for success when dual or
multibooting with two different Windows Operating systems is to *always
install the legacy or older OS, i.e. Win XP in your case first because if
you don't, you are very likely to have problems booting them both and will
probably overwrite one of the bootloaders. There is an MSKB written for
that situation:

You cannot start Windows XP after you install Windows Vista in a dual-boot
configuration together with Windows XP

I don't believe this will help you now though, because you didn't install
Windows Vista--you tried to substitute a recovery DVD which *simply does not
have full Vista code and cannot be used to substitute for it.

My recommendation to you is to purchase a Vista DVD and then install Windows
XP first on one partition and then run the Vista setup from there if you
want to preserve your same drive letters. This is very easy to do, and you
will have an Advanced screen in the Vista setup where you can select what
partition you want to install your Vista onto:

Where do you want to install Windows Vista (in setup):

Good luck,

Chad, I have no doubt your method would work however I did indeed create a
dual boot system using the instructions from the page I noted above.
So I know 100% for sure you can install XP after Vista is loaded on a C:
If the OP uses the Vista restore disk to put Vista on his computer (factory
fresh) he will have a normal computer running Vista just like he would have
if he had the retail Vista DVD.
He can then use "those" instructions to load Vista on a second partition. It
will work. In my case I used a second hard drive but the procedure is the
same. Only issue he might have is shrinking his C: drive down enough to make
room for XP on the future D: drive. (partition)
"VistaProBoot" will take care of dual booting. After installing XP... Vista
will be inaccessible until VistaProBoot is run from XP. Then everything is
fine and dandy.
He can then use "those" instructions to load Vista on a second partition.
Should read:
He can then use "those" instructions to load XP on a second partition.
Hi DanR--

1) If you install XP after Vista has been installed and want to set up a
dual boot, I didn't say it can't happen; I said it will happen successfully
a small percent of the time and the literature on dual boot is replete with
the caveat to install the older OS first. I offered an MSKB for when there
are problems because Vista was installed first.

What you know for sure is you got lucky with an XP install second; but in
100 tries you would find very few successes. My method as to installs of
OS's to set up a dual boot is to install the older one first, but most
people subscribe to it. In a thousand tries in a lab environment a recovery
CD will not equal XP nor will a recovery DVD equal Vista almost every time.

"If the OP uses the Vista restore disk to put Vista on his computer (factory
fresh) he will have a normal computer running Vista just like he would have
if he had the retail Vista DVD."

I know this won't happen above 90% of the time if ever. I think you mean
Vista Boot Pro not Vista Pro Boot. I have been aware of it wsince the early
days of the Vista Beta and recommended it more times than I can count when
it's appropriate. I don't think it will help the OP working with a
recovery DVD.

***How MSFT Greed Prevents Millions Of End Users From Having a Vista DVD
When They Buy A New Computer***

First of all there are approximately 300 Named OEM partners. The reason
that restore or recovery discs exist at all is pure Greed on the part of
MSFT and the OEMs. MSFT forces this despite all the BS from the MSFT
lackeys that abound--and besides selected bloggers who have been bribed with
laptops and other expensive hardware goodies to support MSFT in the last
year--yes girls and boys MSFT pays bribes to so-called objective bloggers to
shill for them in the form of free computers and software.

Dell is the one exception. When the OEM division of MSFT led by Accountant
(not trained in computer engineering) Scott Di Valerio who is VP for OEM)
sets up contracts with the 300 OEM named partners MSFT demands and
stipuolates that they will not ship a Vista DVD. What happens then is a
code short crap substitute gets shipped and is called a recovery disc (or
you called it a restore disc). It is not Vista and in the realm of XP it is
not XP. It does not have all the Vista code. And most importantly
statistically it works a small percent of the time. That's why a repair
install is a very important tool in XP, and since Win RE does not work much
of the time it remains an important tool in Vista. Tio do one, you can't
use a recovery disc. You must have a Vista DVD--and that goes for Win RE's
tools as well unless your enterprise has a setup with MSFT for a way to
pre-install Win Re. Win RE can also be pre-installed by the end
user--however they need a genuine Vista DVD to do that.

Di Valerio doesn't care if MSFT customers can recover with a recovery
DVD--he wants to force them to buy a retail Vista. The setup engineers at
MSFT haven't had the balls to stand up to the sales arm even though they
know well that without a Vista DVD the customer has no access to most of
their recovery tools including Win RE and a repair install.


I'd like to give a big shout out to the West Wing who is far and away the
most successful killing machine in the history of the U.S. The same amount
of kids die in an American uniform every week that died at Virginia Tech.
More than that number of Iraquis die every day since the US bumbled in like
a retarded bull in a China shop.

FRANK RICH: *Iraq Is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac* New York Times Sunday 4/22/07

PRESIDENT BUSH has skipped the funerals of the troops he sent to Iraq. He
took his sweet time to get to Katrina-devastated New Orleans. But last week
he raced to Virginia Tech with an alacrity not seen since he hustled from
Crawford to Washington to sign a bill interfering in Terri Schiavo’s
end-of-life medical care. Mr. Bush assumes the role of mourner in chief on a
selective basis, and, as usual with the decider, the decisive factor is
politics. Let Walter Reed erupt in scandal, and he’ll take six weeks to show
his face — and on a Friday at that, to hide the story in the Saturday
papers. The heinous slaughter in Blacksburg, Va., by contrast, was a rare
opportunity for him to ostentatiously feel the pain of families whose
suffering cannot be blamed on the administration.

But he couldn’t inspire the kind of public acclaim that followed his
post-9/11 visit to ground zero or the political comeback that buoyed his
predecessor after Oklahoma City. The cancer on the Bush White House, Iraq,
is now spreading too fast. The president had barely returned to Washington
when the empty hope of the “surge†was hideously mocked by a one-day Baghdad
civilian death toll more than five times that of Blacksburg’s. McClatchy
Newspapers reported that the death rate for American troops over the past
six months was at its all-time high for this war.

At home, the president is also hobbled by the Iraq cancer’s metastasis — the
twin implosions of Alberto Gonzales and Paul Wolfowitz. Technically, both
men have been pilloried for sins unrelated to the war. The attorney general
has repeatedly been caught changing his story about the extent of his
involvement in purging eight federal prosecutors. The Financial Times caught
the former deputy secretary of defense turned World Bank president privately
dictating the extravagant terms of a State Department sinecure for a crony
(a k a romantic partner) that showers her with more take-home pay than
Condoleezza Rice.

Yet each man’s latest infractions, however serious, are mere misdemeanors
next to their roles in the Iraq war. What’s being lost in the Beltway uproar
is the extent to which the lying, cronyism and arrogance showcased by the
current scandals are of a piece with the lying, cronyism and arrogance that
led to all the military funerals that Mr. Bush dares not attend. Having
slept through the fraudulent selling of the war, Washington is still having
trouble confronting the big picture of the Bush White House. Its dense web
of deceit is the deliberate product of its amoral culture, not a haphazard
potpourri of individual blunders.

Mr. Gonzales’s politicizing of the Justice Department is a mere bagatelle
next to his role as White House counsel in 2002, when he helped shape the
administration’s legal argument to justify torture. That paved the way for
Abu Ghraib, the episode that destroyed America’s image and gave terrorists a
moral victory. But his efforts to sabotage national security didn’t end
there. In a front-page exposé lost in the Imus avalanche two Sundays ago,
The Washington Post uncovered Mr. Gonzales’s reckless role in vetting the
nomination of Bernard Kerik as secretary of homeland security in December

Mr. Kerik, you may recall, withdrew from consideration for that cabinet post
after a week of embarrassing headlines. Back then, the White House ducked
any culpability for the mess by attributing it to a single legal issue, a
supposedly undocumented nanny, and by pinning it on a single,
nonadministration scapegoat, Mr. Kerik’s longtime patron, Rudy Giuliani. The
president’s spokesman at the time, Scott McClellan, told reporters that the
White House had had “no reason to believe†that Mr. Kerik lied during his
vetting process and that it would be inaccurate to say that process had been

THANKS to John Solomon and Peter Baker of The Post, we now know that Mr.
McClellan’s spin was no more accurate than his exoneration of Karl Rove and
Scooter Libby in the Wilson leak case. The Kerik vetting process was indeed
rushed — by Mr. Gonzales — and the administration had every reason to
believe that it was turning over homeland security to a liar. Mr. Gonzales
was privy from the get-go to a Kerik dossier ablaze with red flags pointing
to “questionable financial deals, an ethics violation, allegations of
mismanagement and a top deputy prosecuted for corruption,†not to mention a
“friendship with a businessman who was linked to organized crime.†Yet Mr.
Gonzales and the president persisted in shoving Mr. Kerik into the top job
of an already troubled federal department encompassing 22 agencies, 180,000
employees and the very safety of America in the post-9/11 era.

Mr. Kerik may soon face federal charges, and at a most inopportune time for
the Giuliani presidential campaign. But it’s as a paradigm of the Bush White
House’s waging of the Iraq war that the Kerik case is most telling. The
crucial point to remember is this: Even had there been no alleged
improprieties in the former police chief’s New York résumé, there still
would have been his public record in Iraq to disqualify him from any
administration job.

The year before Mr. Kerik’s nomination to the cabinet, he was dispatched by
the president to take charge of training the Iraqi police — and completely
failed at that mission. As Rajiv Chandrasekaran recounts in his invaluable
chronicle of Green Zone shenanigans, “Imperial Life in the Emerald City,â€
Mr. Kerik slept all day and held only two staff meetings, one upon arrival
and one for the benefit of a Times reporter doing a profile. Rather than
train Iraqi police, Mr. Kerik gave upbeat McCain-esque appraisals of the
dandy shopping in Baghdad’s markets.

Had Mr. Kerik actually helped stand up an Iraqi police force instead of
hastening its descent into a haven for sectarian death squads, there might
not now be extended tours for American troops in an open-ended escalation of
the war. But in the White House’s priorities, rebuilding Iraq came in a poor
third to cronyism and domestic politics. Mr. Kerik’s P.R. usefulness as a
symbol of 9/11 was particularly irresistible to an administration that has
exploited the carnage of 9/11 in ways both grandiose (to gin up the Iraq
invasion) and tacky (in 2004 campaign ads).

Mr. Kerik was an exploiter of 9/11 in his own right: he had commandeered an
apartment assigned to ground zero police and rescue workers to carry out his
extramarital tryst with the publisher Judith Regan. The sex angle of Mr.
Wolfowitz’s scandal is a comparable symptom of the hubris that warped the
judgment of those in power after 9/11. Not only did he help secure Shaha
Riza her over-the-top raise in 2005, but as The Times reported, he also
helped get her a junket to Iraq when he was riding high at the Pentagon in
2003. No one seems to know what she actually accomplished there, but the
bill was paid by a Defense Department contractor that has since come under
official scrutiny for its noncompetitive contracts and poor performance. So
it went with the entire Iraq fiasco.

You don’t have to be a cynic to ask if the White House’s practice of
bestowing better jobs on those who bungled the war might be a form of hush
money. Mr. Wolfowitz was promoted to the World Bank despite a Pentagon
record that included (in part) his prewar hyping of bogus intelligence about
W.M.D. and a nonexistent 9/11-Saddam connection; his assurance to the world
that Iraq’s oil revenues would pay for reconstruction; and his public
humiliation of Gen. Eric Shinseki after the general dared tell Congress
(correctly) that several hundred thousand troops would be needed to secure
Iraq after the invasion. Once the war began, Mr. Wolfowitz cited national
security to bar businesses from noncoalition countries (like Germany) from
competing for major contracts in Iraq. That helped ensure the disastrous
monopoly of Halliburton and other White House-connected companies, including
the one that employed Ms. Riza.

Had Iraqi reconstruction, like the training of Iraqi police, not been
betrayed by politics and cronyism, the Iraq story might have a different
ending. But maybe not all that different. The cancer on the Bush White House
connects and contaminates all its organs. It’s no surprise that one United
States attorney fired without plausible cause by the Gonzales Justice
Department, Carol Lam, was in hot pursuit of defense contractors with
administration connections. Or that another crony brought by Mr. Wolfowitz
to the World Bank was caught asking the Air Force secretary to secure a job
for her brother at a defense contractor while she was overseeing aspects of
the Air Force budget at the White House. A government with values this
sleazy couldn’t possibly win a war.

Like the C.I.A. leak case, each new scandal is filling in a different piece
of the elaborate White House scheme to cover up the lies that took us into
Iraq and the failures that keep us mired there. As the cover-up unravels and
Congress steps up its confrontation over the war’s endgame, our desperate
president is reverting to his old fear-mongering habit of invoking 9/11
incessantly in every speech. The more we learn, the more it’s clear that he’s
the one with reason to be afraid.
Again close to 100% of the time loading a recovery DVD is not anything near
loading genuine Vista and it won't spell Vista on a stand alone boot or on a
dual boot.

Additionally when you have legit Vista, you should always install XP or the
older OS first.

How will the OPs computer be different after he uses his recovery DVD from
it's brand new condition?
How will the OPs computer be different from a clean install of Vista?
Granted it would not have the added "crap" that OEMs install but how would
Vista itself be different. Are you saying that when someone buys a new
computer loaded with Vista it is not really genuine Vista? I don't
understand what you mean by "spell vista"... sorry.
Have you taken a peek at the site I recommended?
Any other opinions out there?
Chad...I've helped friends with dual booting on new Vista machines with XP
as the second install..all successful(9 to date). In all cases I've agreed
to do this with one exception(see below) without tampering with the Vista
installation on the primary drive be it an OEM install or a retail install
and only if a slave drive partition or unallocated space was available for
the XP installation. Vista Boot Pro worked flawlessly in establishing the
boot loader. The o/s of choice for Vista(were Business and Ultimate), all XP
were XP Pro.

The exception was on a friend's new dual drive Micron(still my personal oem
of choice) which still provides Vista on a full o/s recovery cd without a
hidden or recovery partition. This unit was ordered through the business and
govt option. This one was a bit more work due to the owner's desire to have
multiple partitions on each drive with common data and music. Each drive
was removed an placed in an external enclosure on my dual boot unit. One
wiped, partitioned under Vista with unallocated space left at the beginning
with Acronis , the other wiped and partitioned under XP. Drives replaced in
the Micron unit followed by a install using each o/s(dvd or cd) of Vista to
master drive, then XP to the slave then Vista Boot Pro to finish.(yes we
could have done older first..but since all the cd's were available in full
version it really didn't matter..and it was another challenge to
The Micron supplied separate driver cd provided all needed hardware drivers
for the hard drive, network adapter, and interestingly enough since the
hardware was common, it worked for both Vista and XP(although as insurance
we had the drivers downloaded and saved to CD). I did choose to not install
the included Vista NVidia driver and used the Nvidia site's latest driver(at
the time) and also the Creative sites updated sound drivers for XP.

Micron doesn't put any junk/crap on the machine using the installation cd,
and I later found out I didn't even need the driver cd since the base
install put two folders on the root of the Vista drive(one called pnp with a
separate subfolder containing drivers for mobo, modem, network, sound,
video) and another folder with separate pdf manuals for the mobo, pc, all
bios options, onboard sound, and directions for burning those 2 folders to
cd and deletion if desired). Very neat and tidy. A phone
call(speakerphone) to Micron in Idaho(not overseas) by the owner in advance
of this setup confirmed that as long as the Vista was installed on the
machine the 3yr warranty remained intact. In fact they were even willing to
offer help with the install if needed and were the one's who suggested using
the same supplied driver cd for both o/s, the later Vista Nvidia driver and
the updated Creative sound driver for XP. I.e. return to factory
condition has different meaning for different Oem's as does helping and
keeping customer's satisfied.

And to make things even better..the older pcs ranging from P3 to P4 that
were replaced by these newer pc's above(seven of the nine) were wiped and
retail versions of XP Home and MS Works were installed and donated to a
Kiwanis Club(they purchased the XP Home o/s and works for each) who provided
these units for use in homes by physically or otherwise health impaired
children and teenagers.

A success on all accounts.

FRANK RICH: *Iraq Is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac* New York Times Sunday 4/22/07
PRESIDENT BUSH has skipped the funerals of the troops he sent to Iraq. He
took his sweet time to get to Katrina-devastated New Orleans. But last week
he raced to Virginia Tech with an alacrity not seen since he hustled from
Crawford to Washington to sign a bill interfering in Terri Schiavo's
end-of-life medical care.

What was this "medical care," exactly? Supply of food and water?

Terri Schindler Schiavo story with villains, victims, and heroes

2005 _Silent Witness: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo's Death_
by Mark Fuhrman

2006 _Fighting for Dear Life: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo and
What It Means for All of Us_
by David C. Gibbs and Bob DeMoss

2005 _Terri's Story: The Court-Ordered Death of an American Woman_
by Diana Lynne

was the killing of Dylan Walborn via starvation moral? immoral?

Haeckel and Buchner and a Darwinian, atheistic a-moral climate

Multi-Pronged Role of Darwinian Thought in Shoah's Arrival

Reality vs. worldview philosophy of materialism/ atheism
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]
On the Origin of Life
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]
I'm very sorry for the tragedy that happened to Mrs.Schiavo.

I think that the medical care that Terri Schiavo received was from every
account the best medical care possible under the circumstances. In my
experience, I have not learned how one can restore someone back to normal
neruolgical function as Dr. Tom Delay and several other morons on the House
and Senate floor intimated when for approximately 15 years the MRI has shown
virtually no cerebral tissue and only functioning brain stem--she was
clinically ancephalic--and this was documented for years not only by MRI but
by clincial neurological examination and ancillary testing.

I know Dr.Bill Frist was sorry he loosely ventured a diagnosis from the
Senate floor that was dead wrong.

I understand that idiots like Nancy Grace weighed in whose medical
expertise/insight/clinical experience consists of her ability to go to the
bathroom and cover that part of her anatomy otherwise known as her fat ass
with some type of clothing--rapidly being supplied by Upper Manhatten Tent
and Awning as she expands exponentially.

Judge Birch's Eleventh Circuit opinion which was the last legal word in this
case got it right. It was insipid for the cynical Congress involved that
tried to legislate her care and correct of the Eleventh
Circuit panel, including Judge Birch and his law clerk to say that this was
a matter between her family and her physicians.

I'd enjoy seeing your nuanced neurological treatment plan you think should
have been imposed on Terri Shiavo and if you have information on how to
transform an ancephalic patient into one with normal neurological function,
I'd submit it to a number of publications in this area--shoot high and start
with the New England Journal--and notify the Nobel Committe to start their

Chad said:
I'm very sorry for the tragedy that happened to Mrs.Schiavo...

Chad, I haven't been hanging out here very long, and I've read only a
handful of your political monologues. I must admit that I've agreed
in principle with every one of them so far, but I'm embarrassed to see
my own opinions being posted in a forum so completely inappropriate as
this one. I fear you may be generating hostility to the ideas that I
espouse, merely by shouting them at inappropriate times and places.

If you care to respond, my email address is real and I'd enjoy the
chance to carry this discussion on privately.


Thanks for suggestions. I tried but having some problems. I will try today
as I am free this weekend and will get back. Thanks a lot for the replies.