Alan T said:
Do you run the setup from Ubuntu CD from Vista?
Yes, but first I'd recommend creating some unallocated space to install
Ubuntu on. Ubuntu can do this during the install but I prefer to do it
manually. You may be able to do this in Vista by shrinking a partition.
The ability to shrink volumes in Vista isn't all that sophisticated. It may
not be able to create enough room for Ubuntu. You may need to use a third
party partition manager. I like Acronis but I get it for free.
Be careful that whatever you use is Vista compatible. Altering the Vista
partition with some partition managers will corrupt Vista. I recommend you
set aside around 30 GB. Do not partition this space leave it as unallocated.
Boot from the Ubuntu CD and start the install. During the install specify to
install Ubuntu into this unallocated space and let it automatically create
whatever partitions it needs in this space. Ubuntu will setup a dual boot
using the grub boot manager. Ubuntu will be the default. If you want Vista
to be the default it's easily changed but for now don't worry about it.
Doing changes of this nature to your system can easily go wrong. Make sure
you have a couple of verified backups before you start. This is very
important. Installing Ubuntu is easy and normally trouble free but the
potential is there to lose all your data. Backup first.