I bought a HP laptop just after Christmas which had a free upgrade to Vista.
I ordered one, but had to wait ages. in the meantime I borrowed an Windows
Anytime Upgrade DVD and from this installed the Premium version of |Vista
with a view to trying it out before my legal version arrived. In my laptop
the are two hard drives and I installed it on the D drive (data) so that the
machine dual booted. When I was using XP, the OS drive was recognised as
drive C, and the Data drive as drive D (nothing unusual yet) However, when
using Vista the Data drive was recognised as C with the operating system on.
This I found suprising.
When my upgrade discs arrived I first of all put the HP upgade disc in
first, but did not use it as it appeared it would upgrade my verion of XP to
Vista. I did boot the Vista upgrade disc from XP (so that it woud 'see' a
valid licence) and then chose Custom and installed it on my D drive.
Everything went OK and I was able to validate my version of Vista.
Everything appears to be OK so far. However, and here is where I need
help/advise, when in Vista my Data drive with the Vista OS on is now Drive
D. (The reverse of my initial installation)
Does this matter? have I done anything wrong?
Thanks in anticipation of help from some boffins.
I ordered one, but had to wait ages. in the meantime I borrowed an Windows
Anytime Upgrade DVD and from this installed the Premium version of |Vista
with a view to trying it out before my legal version arrived. In my laptop
the are two hard drives and I installed it on the D drive (data) so that the
machine dual booted. When I was using XP, the OS drive was recognised as
drive C, and the Data drive as drive D (nothing unusual yet) However, when
using Vista the Data drive was recognised as C with the operating system on.
This I found suprising.
When my upgrade discs arrived I first of all put the HP upgade disc in
first, but did not use it as it appeared it would upgrade my verion of XP to
Vista. I did boot the Vista upgrade disc from XP (so that it woud 'see' a
valid licence) and then chose Custom and installed it on my D drive.
Everything went OK and I was able to validate my version of Vista.
Everything appears to be OK so far. However, and here is where I need
help/advise, when in Vista my Data drive with the Vista OS on is now Drive
D. (The reverse of my initial installation)
Does this matter? have I done anything wrong?
Thanks in anticipation of help from some boffins.