Rick \"Nutcase\" Rogers said:
Highlight the desired entry, then click "set as default".
Thanks, guys.
Mission accomplished after spotting that I needed to go back to
general tab to set as default and after I had coped with XPs (over-?)
protective response to changes - someday I guess I might have cause to
bless it.
As an old 95 and 98 campaigner, I'm finding xp's method confuses me at
times - like when someone asks you if you're 'sure' too many times and
you change your mind just to get rid of their over-solicitous
attitude. After all, the basic things, like msconfig, are still there
and, for good or evil, I'm used to a more straightforward and less
'precious' way of managing them.
Ah well, give it time. At the moment, I'm enjoying myself simply
seeing how many of may existing 98 apps, like this one (Agent), will
run from xp, simply by running the existing (98se) .exe file and not
reinstalling. This is why I was so keen to keep FAT32 throughout by
partitioning the end of my HDD and installing xp into it rather than
offer xp an empty section of hdd when xp then offers on FAT and NTFS -
a curious thing for it to do, to my mind.
Sorry, this is OT, but it seems like you guys, on this ng, are keeping
a friendly eye on my progress - for which I'm hugely grateful.