Windows XP dual boot question

Jan 13, 2007
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When you are running DOS based windows (ie 3.1, 95 and/or 98), when I go to DOS does the windows OS shut down and exit to DOS or does it...well basically minimize ???

I am running a DOS POS program and I would like to install another POS software that is windows based to eventually transfer old accounts (from DOS based) to the new (windows based) program.

So basically I'm trying to find out if I run the DOS based program while windows is running and then open up the windows based program and then go back to the DOS based program. Does the windows OS actually shut down or minimize so that i can keep both programs running at the same time.

My second question is, can you dual boot windows 3.1 with another windows OS
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Yes, you can use DOS in a "window" but you will not be runing DOS properly unless you can setup that "window" as a DOS session ... both DOS & Windows are OSs in there own right, mixing will not generally work as expected.

Unless the Windows version of the DOS program can import from the DOS program you have a lot of work ahead of you re-typing in the data.

Win 3.1 is a DOS based program, Win95 and up are not so DOS freindly ... You will probably need a DOS based menu system at BOOT time to control what OS to boot from.

Good luck, you'll need it. ;)

oh, welcome to the forums. :thumb: