Hello. I am using the following dsum but keep running into an error 2471
about the expression entered as a query parameter produced 'BusinessType'. I
can not figure out what the issue is.
material_qty = "" & DSum("Quantity", "SalesOrderItems", "Quantity > 0 And
SONumber = Forms!SalesOrders.SONumber And BusinessType Like
Forms!SalesOrders.BusinessType And SOItemCategory Like 'Materials'")
Quantity is a number.
SONumber is a number.
BusinessType is text.
SOItemCategory is text.
Spelling is all correct that I can see.
Can someone please take a look at this and maybe see what I'm not seeing?
about the expression entered as a query parameter produced 'BusinessType'. I
can not figure out what the issue is.
material_qty = "" & DSum("Quantity", "SalesOrderItems", "Quantity > 0 And
SONumber = Forms!SalesOrders.SONumber And BusinessType Like
Forms!SalesOrders.BusinessType And SOItemCategory Like 'Materials'")
Quantity is a number.
SONumber is a number.
BusinessType is text.
SOItemCategory is text.
Spelling is all correct that I can see.
Can someone please take a look at this and maybe see what I'm not seeing?