Since we had to adjust our clocks ahead an hour, my PC clock won't update.
It hasn't changed by itself; when I update it manually, a short time later I
notice it has gone back an hour! In addition, I am connected to my Exzchange
2003 server, and all of the times in my calendar for appointments after
3.10.08 are now an hour earlier than they should be!
I've ensured I'm up to date with MS patches, ran the tzmove tool, have admin
rights, and am now at the end of my rope!
Windows XP Pro SP2
It hasn't changed by itself; when I update it manually, a short time later I
notice it has gone back an hour! In addition, I am connected to my Exzchange
2003 server, and all of the times in my calendar for appointments after
3.10.08 are now an hour earlier than they should be!
I've ensured I'm up to date with MS patches, ran the tzmove tool, have admin
rights, and am now at the end of my rope!
Windows XP Pro SP2