Hello. I was wondering if anyone would know of how to modify the below code
that I found on the web if possible which converts existing dsn link tables
from ms access to sql server to dsn-less but have it prompt the user to
supply their individual sql login id and password when they go in and open a
table? When I run this code I notice it saves the converted table link as a
trusted connection which instead I want each user who would be accessing it
to supply their own sql login credentials.
Thanks in advance.
Sub FixConnections(ServerName As String, DatabaseName As String)
' Looks for any TableDef objects that have a connection string, and
' changes it to DSN-less
Dim dbCurrent As Database
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim intToChange As Integer
Dim lngAttributes() As Long
Dim strSourceTableName() As String
Dim strTableName() As String
Dim tdfCurrent As TableDef
intToChange = 0
Set dbCurrent = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
For Each tdfCurrent In dbCurrent.TableDefs
If Len(tdfCurrent.Connect) > 0 Then
' This is a linked table: save its characteristics.
' If you have linked tables other than to SQL Server, you'd put
' logic in here to ignore those tables not linked to SQL Server.
ReDim Preserve lngAttributes(intToChange)
ReDim Preserve strSourceTableName(intToChange)
ReDim Preserve strTableName(intToChange)
lngAttributes(intToChange) = tdfCurrent.Attributes
strTableName(intToChange) = tdfCurrent.Name
strSourceTableName(intToChange) = tdfCurrent.SourceTableName
intToChange = intToChange + 1
End If
' Go through the array of linked table characteristics.
' Delete the table, then relink, using a DSN-less Connection.
For intLoop = 0 To intToChange - 1
dbCurrent.TableDefs.Delete strTableName(intLoop)
Set tdfCurrent = dbCurrent.CreateTableDef(strTableName(intLoop))
tdfCurrent.Connect = "ODBC;DRIVER={sql server};DATABASE=" &
DatabaseName & ";SERVER=" & ServerName & ";UID=;PWD=;"
tdfCurrent.SourceTableName = strSourceTableName(intLoop)
dbCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfCurrent
Set tdfCurrent = Nothing
Set dbCurrent = Nothing
End Sub
that I found on the web if possible which converts existing dsn link tables
from ms access to sql server to dsn-less but have it prompt the user to
supply their individual sql login id and password when they go in and open a
table? When I run this code I notice it saves the converted table link as a
trusted connection which instead I want each user who would be accessing it
to supply their own sql login credentials.
Thanks in advance.
Sub FixConnections(ServerName As String, DatabaseName As String)
' Looks for any TableDef objects that have a connection string, and
' changes it to DSN-less
Dim dbCurrent As Database
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim intToChange As Integer
Dim lngAttributes() As Long
Dim strSourceTableName() As String
Dim strTableName() As String
Dim tdfCurrent As TableDef
intToChange = 0
Set dbCurrent = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
For Each tdfCurrent In dbCurrent.TableDefs
If Len(tdfCurrent.Connect) > 0 Then
' This is a linked table: save its characteristics.
' If you have linked tables other than to SQL Server, you'd put
' logic in here to ignore those tables not linked to SQL Server.
ReDim Preserve lngAttributes(intToChange)
ReDim Preserve strSourceTableName(intToChange)
ReDim Preserve strTableName(intToChange)
lngAttributes(intToChange) = tdfCurrent.Attributes
strTableName(intToChange) = tdfCurrent.Name
strSourceTableName(intToChange) = tdfCurrent.SourceTableName
intToChange = intToChange + 1
End If
' Go through the array of linked table characteristics.
' Delete the table, then relink, using a DSN-less Connection.
For intLoop = 0 To intToChange - 1
dbCurrent.TableDefs.Delete strTableName(intLoop)
Set tdfCurrent = dbCurrent.CreateTableDef(strTableName(intLoop))
tdfCurrent.Connect = "ODBC;DRIVER={sql server};DATABASE=" &
DatabaseName & ";SERVER=" & ServerName & ";UID=;PWD=;"
tdfCurrent.SourceTableName = strSourceTableName(intLoop)
dbCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfCurrent
Set tdfCurrent = Nothing
Set dbCurrent = Nothing
End Sub