DSL Setup Problem



I have been unable to successfully setup BellSouth DSL on my brand new Dell
computer with Windowns XP Media Center. I have spoken twice to BellSouth
support and once with Dell Support. No one has been able to solve problem or
figure out why I can not access any internet site. Everything seems to be
working properly--just can't pull up a webpage. Did all the ping, config,
connection checks already and reset TCP/IP connections several times. Can't
someone help!?

Michael T

Any error messages?

Does BellSouth have any diagnostic tools like SBC has for their DSL
customers in California?

Any Event Viewer information that looks suspicious?

Have you run antivirus and antispyware (e.g. Ad-aware & Spybot) software?

Have you tried deleting your IE History and your Temporary Internet Files?

You may also want to consider an XP Repair Install.

Or you could even add a second account (with Administrator privileges) in
the event you have a corrupted user account.

Finally, you could use the Network Setup Wizard (Control Panel) to add a new

Dr. C.Joseph Drayton, Ph.D. AS&T

Hash: SHA1

Hi Nikjack,

If you are using Norton Internet Security check the permissions on
the browser in the firewall.

Ciao . . . C.Joseph

That which a man buys too cheaply . . .
He esteems too lightly
I have been unable to successfully setup BellSouth DSL on my brand new Dell
computer with Windowns XP Media Center. I have spoken twice to BellSouth
support and once with Dell Support. No one has been able to solve problem or
figure out why I can not access any internet site. Everything seems to be
working properly--just can't pull up a webpage. Did all the ping, config,
connection checks already and reset TCP/IP connections several times. Can't
someone help!?
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