Trying to add the first DC to a new tree in my forest.
dcdiag comes up clean, but when I try to dcpromo it
says "the DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a
DNS lookup failure" and errors out. Below is my DCDiag
stuff and the dcpromo.log file results. This box is not
runing DNS (and cannot).
06/21 15:38:31 [INFO] Replicating
CN=Configuration,DC=ds,DC=root: received 803 out of
approximately 3067 objects
06/21 15:38:33 [INFO] Replicating
CN=Configuration,DC=ds,DC=root: received 1205 out of
approximately 3067 objects
06/21 15:38:34 [INFO] Replicating
CN=Configuration,DC=ds,DC=root: received 1514 out of
approximately 3067 objects
06/21 15:38:34 [INFO] Replicated the configuration
06/21 15:38:34 [INFO] Error - Active Directory could not
create the object
Check the event log for possible system errors. (8524)
06/21 15:38:37 [INFO] NtdsInstall for gilbarco.com
returned 8524
06/21 15:38:37 [INFO] DsRolepInstallDs returned 8524
06/21 15:38:37 [ERROR] Failed to install the directory
service (8524)
06/21 15:38:40 [INFO] The attempted domain controller
operation has completed
Z:\Program Files\Resource
Kit>dcdiag /test:dcpromo /dnsdomain:gilbarco.com /newt
ree /forestroot:ds.root
Starting test: DcPromo
The DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this
computer to be promoted
as the first DC in the gilbarco.com Active Directory
Messages logged below this line indicate whether
this domain controller
will be able to dynamically register DNS records
required for the
location of this DC by other devices on the network.
If any
misconfiguration is detected, it might prevent
dynamic DNS registration
of some records, but does not prevent successful
completion of the Active
Directory Installation Wizard. However, we recommend
fixing the reported
problems now, unless you plan to manually update the
DNS database.
DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this domain
controller to
dynamically register the domain controller Locator
records in DNS.
The DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this
computer to dynamically
register the A record corresponding to its DNS name.
......................... gvrgilbarcodc01 passed
test DcPromo
dcdiag comes up clean, but when I try to dcpromo it
says "the DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a
DNS lookup failure" and errors out. Below is my DCDiag
stuff and the dcpromo.log file results. This box is not
runing DNS (and cannot).
06/21 15:38:31 [INFO] Replicating
CN=Configuration,DC=ds,DC=root: received 803 out of
approximately 3067 objects
06/21 15:38:33 [INFO] Replicating
CN=Configuration,DC=ds,DC=root: received 1205 out of
approximately 3067 objects
06/21 15:38:34 [INFO] Replicating
CN=Configuration,DC=ds,DC=root: received 1514 out of
approximately 3067 objects
06/21 15:38:34 [INFO] Replicated the configuration
06/21 15:38:34 [INFO] Error - Active Directory could not
create the object
Check the event log for possible system errors. (8524)
06/21 15:38:37 [INFO] NtdsInstall for gilbarco.com
returned 8524
06/21 15:38:37 [INFO] DsRolepInstallDs returned 8524
06/21 15:38:37 [ERROR] Failed to install the directory
service (8524)
06/21 15:38:40 [INFO] The attempted domain controller
operation has completed
Z:\Program Files\Resource
Kit>dcdiag /test:dcpromo /dnsdomain:gilbarco.com /newt
ree /forestroot:ds.root
Starting test: DcPromo
The DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this
computer to be promoted
as the first DC in the gilbarco.com Active Directory
Messages logged below this line indicate whether
this domain controller
will be able to dynamically register DNS records
required for the
location of this DC by other devices on the network.
If any
misconfiguration is detected, it might prevent
dynamic DNS registration
of some records, but does not prevent successful
completion of the Active
Directory Installation Wizard. However, we recommend
fixing the reported
problems now, unless you plan to manually update the
DNS database.
DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this domain
controller to
dynamically register the domain controller Locator
records in DNS.
The DNS configuration is sufficient to allow this
computer to dynamically
register the A record corresponding to its DNS name.
......................... gvrgilbarcodc01 passed
test DcPromo