Bob Adkins
A nifty little FTP utility. It's great for doing daily updates to your web
site, or backing up files to an FTP server. I like to add a shortcut to the
"SendTo" folder, which makes uploading and updating files very quick and
simple. It's a very tiny, 1 File Wonder, only 44K! No install, no other
files in the package.
Since the home page is in French, here's a link to it on NoNags.
-- Bob
site, or backing up files to an FTP server. I like to add a shortcut to the
"SendTo" folder, which makes uploading and updating files very quick and
simple. It's a very tiny, 1 File Wonder, only 44K! No install, no other
files in the package.
Since the home page is in French, here's a link to it on NoNags.
-- Bob