You can make the userform larger, but it isn't a zoom type operation - the
controls on the form will not resize:
Sub UserForm_Activate()
With Application
'maximize Excel
.WindowState = xlMaximized
Me.Top = .Top
Me.Left = .Left
Me.Height = .Height
Me.Wdith = .Width
End With
End Sub
Sub FormFit()
End Sub
The above assumes excel is maximized. (I added code to maximize it)
To get more information on manipulating userforms with code, see Stephen
Bullens formfun download.
With reference to what is shown in, Stephen Bullen posted the
following advice for maximizing:
Hi Gerry,
That example does allow you to maximize the form if the maximize option is
selected. Would it be difficult to cause the form to start maximized, rather than
at the originally defined size? Basically, I'd like to pre-select
Sure, it's just a different constant passed to the ShowWindow API that's
already in
there. [in the formfun code] To show a form maximised, use this:
At the top of the module
Private Const SW_MAXIMIZE = 3
In the Form Property Set:
'Show Maximized
ShowWindow hWndForm, SW_MAXIMIZE
after setting the form's style bits.
Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel
This post by Stratos Malasiotis shows a method probably similar to
Stephen's, but is complete and primarily addresses sizing:[email protected]