Windows XP Dropped wireless adapter

Mar 19, 2009
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My wireless adapter disconnects itself from the router and a few seconds later reconnects. The events viewer provides the following messages: Browser None 8033, then some seconds later TCPIP None 4201. Any idea what is causing this and what do I do about it?

I'm running Win XP Pro.
This can happen due to a virus infection which reset your IP all the time. Check your IP address under TCP IP (Run -> ncpa.cpl) also check (run -> Inetcpl.cpl) Coonection Tab -> Lan Settings, check is there any entries for Proxy server, if anything remove it. Run SmithFraud Fix in Safe and Hijackthis in Safe Mode. Then start your system in Safe more with networking. Check whether you are getting the same message. If you discribe a little bit more about this problem then I can explain about resetting your moderm.
Thanks krgrajeev, but I may have solved this the easy way - I downloade an updated driver from D-Link and the wireless adapter has not lost its connection since I installed it
Okay, my bad. Problem is NOT solved. Same stuff is happening. I still get dropped off my wireless network every few minutes and frequently get reconnected automatically. Same messages in event viewer. Help.
rtramer said:
Okay, my bad. Problem is NOT solved. Same stuff is happening. I still get dropped off my wireless network every few minutes and frequently get reconnected automatically. Same messages in event viewer. Help.

Have you changed the Wireless channel?
No, and I don't know how. However, I did disconnect the base unit of the cordless phone and removedd the batteries from every handset. No difference. Still lose the wireless connection frequently - sometimes it comes back on its own but often I must "repair" the wireless connection.
Event viewer reads same message: Browser 8033 and Tcpip 4201.
rtramer said:
No, and I don't know how. However, I did disconnect the base unit of the cordless phone and removedd the batteries from every handset. No difference. Still lose the wireless connection frequently - sometimes it comes back on its own but often I must "repair" the wireless connection.
Event viewer reads same message: Browser 8033 and Tcpip 4201.

What router are you using?
D-Link DIR-615, and the wireless adapter is D-Link DWA-130.
There is no problem with the primary PC connected by wire to the router.