Bill Gauvey
I have a dropdown list with several items, one item has the value of \r\n.
When I try to find the value it fails, the string being passed to it is
comming out of a Hashtable. Other items work fine.
Hashtable m_Layout = GetLayout(layoutID);
string szDelimiter = (string) m_Layout[ "layoutRecordDelimiter" ];
ListItem itm = ddlRecordDelimiter.Items.FindByValue( szDelimiter );
itm.Selected = true;
When the layout record delimiter is \r\n it will fail
When I try to find the value it fails, the string being passed to it is
comming out of a Hashtable. Other items work fine.
Hashtable m_Layout = GetLayout(layoutID);
string szDelimiter = (string) m_Layout[ "layoutRecordDelimiter" ];
ListItem itm = ddlRecordDelimiter.Items.FindByValue( szDelimiter );
itm.Selected = true;
When the layout record delimiter is \r\n it will fail