Many of my drop down menus in a variety of Windows apps disappear when I
go to select something. I've seen somewhere that this is a java problem
but that means nothing to me.
What menus, where? Why do you think it's a java problem? This would not
apply to standard menus for XP and XP programs.
I have an ATI Radeon 9500 Pro. If you've ever had an ATI card, you know how
often the drivers are updated (often!). I've had menus disappear with some
driver versions. This problem is usually fixed very quickly by the next
driver release. Until that new driver shows up, I can force the menus to
appear by dragging the mouse over the area they normally show up at.
I imagine it's possible for this to happen with a variety of display
drivers. If it was working before and you recently updated these drivers,
you can use Driver Rollback to return to the previous version -or- check
for a new driver at the manufacturer's website.
I've also seen "touchy" menus where you have to work extra hard to keep the
mouse pointer over the menu area. If you get "off track" the menu closes.
In this case, you could use TweakUI to slow down menu speeds. TweakUI is
one of the Power toys for XP. A link to the download can be found here: