Windows XP Drop Down Menus


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
The drop down menus at the top of this site have stopped working on my home pc. (I know it aint this site coz it works fine at work) They were working fine a few days ago. Nothing has changed, apart from updating Spysweeper yesterday. Now that removes the cookies left by this site and Google!? :confused: The only option i have found is to disable the cookie shield.

Is there a setting i can change (In Internet Explorer or Spysweeper) or something coz i have to log in every time now.

Sorry if this is a daft question, i just dont know. :o
Dear Vanilla

I have a similar problem and also use Spysweeper. I can get the drop downs but I have to log into the site every time now, rather than auttomatically. It's something to do with Cookies on the site I think and the fact that we have deleted them with the software. How to keep them I think the question is??? Can't help with the drop downs cos I haven't had that. I did find it hard to 'see' the new colours on the site for a couple of days and felt a right prat because everyone else could see them and I couldn't!!!

Let me know if you sort things out!


Gabriella x
Thats a strange problem about the menus, but I've had the same problem looking at PCR from work. I think its because work uses an advertisment blocker, and it stops the page loading completely.

Do you have ZoneAlarm or Norton Ad blockers installed, as that is what caused the problem at work. It stops parts of the page loading properly and Internet Explorer still things part of the page has to be rendered, so doesn't display the menus - if you click the stop button it may work for that page.
In answer to Gabriella

I did find it hard to 'see' the new colours on the site for a couple of days and felt a right prat because everyone else could see them and I couldn't!!!

No need to feel silly Gabriella, Im surprised somebody didn't put you right on that one, all you do is..

Hold down the Ctrl button on the bottom of your keyboard, and point your mouse to the refresh button next to the picture of the little house on your toolbar just above the address bar where you type your internet addresses in and left click..

And that should completely refresh your browser...
Sorry had to go to the pub! I am using Firefox at the mo and have no probs at all. logged in automatic and no bother with the drop downs!?!? Still trying to find a solution. But i cant work it out!

Ian - I have the free Zone Alarm. Dont think i have a Ad blocker. Just got Spysweeper,Spybot, Spywareblaster and Ad-Aware.
Yeah the free Zonealarm doesn't come with an ad blocker, that only comes with Zonealarm security suite....

So i suggest it is one of your other spy software thats doing the damage...:(
Thanks Crazlegs! I didn't know you culd use control and L mouse click on refresh! That's handy to know!!

Gabriella x
SpySweepers got an ad blocker, but its never made a difference in the past. I disabled it and has not made a difference.
Firefox is totally fine tho.

Ok the menus are working again now, Not sure what thats all about!

Gabs, you could disable the cookie shield in spysweeper, that seems to have done the trick for me. I know its not the ideal cure but i will carry on trying!

Wheres Mucks when you need him!? :)
Thats a strange problem about the menus, but I've had the same problem looking at PCR from work. I think its because work uses an advertisment blocker, and it stops the page loading completely

It was the ad blocker Ian. if i disable it it works fine.