MS would rather track people. Remember noone here is considered an MS
customer. Their web site is designed to make life easy for them.
I won't wait. It's poor design. If they were serious they would publish
everything as text files like they used to. Text files progressively
I spent a month with telstra web site trying to buy extra services. They
use MS technology so it never worked on any of the 4 things I trioed to
buy. Telstra netwok's name was once MSN Network.
It took 4 hours to read the SMH today, as it does every day. They have
fast servers but the first page goes via a registration server (you don't
see it) which blocks access to the site. Not to mention breaking IE's
text size feature (so I may need to copy the text to notepad to read).
Though this at last was fixed. I tried complaining to the people in
charge of the web. This journo left Fairfax because of their technical
incompetence ( - be quick as it's moving
to a permanent site in a few days). I've been reading this paper for just
under 40 years. My only alternatives are Murdoch papers, and while I may
walk past Lachlan's house everyday I loathe his papers.
I'm tired of hitting Refresh 800 or 2000 (and I've sat their doing it for
days so I can post a link) times to post a link to a site. Therefore I
ban all links to MS site, haven't you noticed I always post google's
cache of their pages.
A user requires feedback within 1/20th of a second. MS can't or won't do
this because they use their own technology (designed for intranets).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Read David defending the concept of violence.
Wesley Vogel said:
Try this one.
it redirects to
or the first item here...
or the first item here...
Menus, Controls, and Toolbars,+Controls,+and+Toolbars"&btnG=Search
Then click on Menus in the toc pane.
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
David Candy said: --
Read David defending the concept of violence.
Apparently Microsoft isn't aware of that fact.
There are several types of menus, including drop-down menus, shortcut
menus, and cascading menus. The following sections cover these menus in
more detail.
Common Drop-Down Menus
The File Menu
The Edit Menu
The View Menu
Help Menu
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
In David Candy <.> hunted and pecked:
Windows doesn't have drop down menus. It's menus are combined Pull
Down and Pop Up.
Pull Down
Depress left mouse button on menu bar item, move mouse pointer to item
on menu you want, release button.
Pop Up
Click menu bar item, click menu item.
Drop Down
Move mouse cursor over menu bar item, click menu item. You can sort of
see what this is like by pressing Alt + F then moving the cursor over
the menu bar. I think GEM used drop down.
------------------------ Read David defending the concept of violence.
Have a look at this.
Transparent drop-down Menu and disappearing menu text
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
In Beachymom <
[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
When I'm working in any application, then click on the drop down
menu, the menu is not shown until I run the mouse down it. It used
to be blue (I think). How do I change it back?