Drop down menu selections cause application crashes..the cure?



Odd recent behavior of my wacky PC:
1> In Paint Shop Pro 6.02 hitting File, then Open causes the program to
close returning me to the desktop. I've tried uninstalling, then reinstalling
the program without improvement.

2>Similarly, in Quickpayroll, hitting File, then Backup closes the
program, returning me to the desktop.

What have I tried thus far? Registry repair with Registry Mechanic, virus
and spyware scans.

Any thoughts?


mdavidm said:
Odd recent behavior of my wacky PC:
1> In Paint Shop Pro 6.02 hitting File, then Open causes the program
close returning me to the desktop. I've tried uninstalling, then
reinstalling the program without improvement.

2>Similarly, in Quickpayroll, hitting File, then Backup closes the
program, returning me to the desktop.

What have I tried thus far? Registry repair with Registry Mechanic,
virus and spyware scans.

Any thoughts?

I wouldn't mess about with a registry cleaner for one thing. Look in
Event Viewer for any clues about what is failing.

Start>Run>eventvwr.msc [enter]

Make sure you've done the normal maintenance, deleting temporary and
temporary Internet files. Make sure you have enough room on your hard
drive. Do the normal physical cleanup, too - make sure the computer
isn't overheating and all fans are running. It couldn't hurt to test
the RAM either.


If you find anything useful in Event Viewer, post back with the error.
It would be good if you would also include some information about your
computer - age, specs, if these programs ever worked (and if yes, what
has changed between the time they worked and the time they didn't).


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