Drop Down List inside a Datagrid

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris Kettenbach
  • Start date Start date

Chris Kettenbach

Good Morning,
Quick question, I have an EditItemTemplate inside a datagrid. It should
contain a drop down list of possible choices. I have an EditCommandColumn.
The drop dow list column should initially contain the value of the field.
This works fine with
<ItemTemplate><%# Container.DataItem("NameType")%></ItemTemplate>

The desired effect is for the drop down list to databind to a query to show
possible choices when the user clicks the edit link. I can not get a
reference to the drop down list when the user clicks edit. Does anyone know
how to do this?

I tried page.findcontrol("controlname") and it does not work. Any ideas? I
get a NullReference Error when I do this, because I guess the control does
not exist on the page.

Thanks to everyone,
Within the method that handles the datagrid EditCommand event you can get a
reference to the dropdown list by using the passed DataGridCommandEventArgs
as follows:
CType(e.Item.FindControl("controlname"), DropDownList)
No, that still didn't work. Any other suggestions?
I ended up with this

Sub DataGrid_Edit(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As

' turn on editing for the selected row

Dim ddl As DropDownList = CType(E.Item.FindControl("drpNameType"),

If Not isEdit Then

dg1.EditItemIndex = E.Item.ItemIndex


End If

End Sub

Using a breakpoint, I see ddl = Nothing. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
In the edit command handler try... DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)
