OK, I'm having a problem with my drop boxes. I used the
wizard to create them so I don't know how to write the
code and here is what's wrong and what I need to do.
Wrong: When I select a record using a drop box, that
record is pulled and placed in the form. The record
changes in the form but at the bottom of the form, it
still shows I'm on record #1. When updating the new
record, record #1's last name changes to the same as the
individuals in the record I'm updating.
Need: Need to know how to write the code for the drop box
to pull from tblMember and place that individuals record
in the form with the record number at the bottom of the
form showing the correct record #.
wizard to create them so I don't know how to write the
code and here is what's wrong and what I need to do.
Wrong: When I select a record using a drop box, that
record is pulled and placed in the form. The record
changes in the form but at the bottom of the form, it
still shows I'm on record #1. When updating the new
record, record #1's last name changes to the same as the
individuals in the record I'm updating.
Need: Need to know how to write the code for the drop box
to pull from tblMember and place that individuals record
in the form with the record number at the bottom of the
form showing the correct record #.