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hi all,

I have three unknown devices in d. manager all with labels as follows

ACPI\ATK0110 ATK0110



how would i go about finding out what these devices are exactly?

the only P'n'P device i have is my mouse and a virtual drive for HD ... what
is the other one? and which was is which?

also, my sound, v.c, and eth0 cards all work... so what's this other PNP
device that's missing drivers?

Could be your monitor. What I suggest you do to give us better information
is, Open Control Panel > (set to "Classic View") > open "Problem Reports and
Solutions" > under Task > click View Problem history > any issues relating
to PnP > right click > View Problem Details

This should better describe the problem.
Looks like an ACPI driver for your motherboard. I have the same issue.
When I put in my Asus disk and have Windows search for the driver, it finds
the Asus ACPI driver but the install fails.
