Gabriel said:
Hi all I have checked out the dell web site but I cant find drivers for my
Dell Dimension 4600i Series Pc, I have installed Win 98se and their site
dosnt have drivers for 98 only Xp. Can someone help? I need mobo, sound,
onboard video etc drivers.
The Dell page isn't too clear on what the chipset is. It can either
be a 865G or 865PE. The "G" provides integrated graphics.
Win98SE graphics driver for 865G (released at end of 2003)*+98+SE&lang=eng&strOSs=18&submit=Go!
Further down the page here, is the INF update for 865 chipsets.
That would be the chipset drivers (usually installed first).*+98+SE&lang=eng&strOSs=18&submit=Go!
You can still find stuff like that. I installed Win98SE,
more as a joke than anything, on my new Core2 board,
and it all worked fine. I did set the .ini file, so
Win98SE could only see 512MB of the memory, but that
was the only hack out of the ordinary. I did that, after
the first stage of installation, using another OS. I didn't
have a problem with the processor speed (there is some
bug about the measured clock speed of the processor, but
it didn't seem to affect me - I don't know right off
hand, what the frequency limit is).