p jayant
I know this is an old vintage card but I have to use it until my budget
permits me to buy a new one. It has worked fine in the past with
Catalyst 3.1 and 4.2 set of drivers. But suddenly XP has started saying
ATI Control Panel could not be initiated and declaring the Display
Adapter unacceptable. So I have to go to Safe mode and remove the the
Display driver and use a VGA Controllerdriver, probably of ATI provided
on the installation disk. When the system is re-started, the message
about the ATI Control Panel mentioned above pops up. No need to mention
that the video capture driver in the Catalyst set does not get
installed and so the entire range of video applications is kaput.If I
try to install a later version of drivers, XP says it cannot find any
WDM compatible hardware on the system. Now What does that mean? Is it
saying that the ATI Radeon 8500 card is not WDM compatible?
I also find that the ATI's special Uninstaller is not successful in
removing the MMC and it keeps showing up in the list of Add/Remove
programs without any indication of its size in the second column.Nor
can Add?remove operation remove it.
Is it possible to revive the Card by downloading the correct drivers
and if yes from where? The ATI web-site caters only to the yuppies of
ATI and the list of old drivers does not say which driver set will work
for a the AIW Radeon 8500 DV (without the Remote of the yuppies) Card.
So, please don't just hoodwink me asking me to go to the ATI web-site
and say, it has older drivers too.
I hope some soulmate who has gone throgh similar travails of ATI's user
friendly service will give meaningful help and enable me to re-start
functioning of the Card.
P. Jayant
permits me to buy a new one. It has worked fine in the past with
Catalyst 3.1 and 4.2 set of drivers. But suddenly XP has started saying
ATI Control Panel could not be initiated and declaring the Display
Adapter unacceptable. So I have to go to Safe mode and remove the the
Display driver and use a VGA Controllerdriver, probably of ATI provided
on the installation disk. When the system is re-started, the message
about the ATI Control Panel mentioned above pops up. No need to mention
that the video capture driver in the Catalyst set does not get
installed and so the entire range of video applications is kaput.If I
try to install a later version of drivers, XP says it cannot find any
WDM compatible hardware on the system. Now What does that mean? Is it
saying that the ATI Radeon 8500 card is not WDM compatible?
I also find that the ATI's special Uninstaller is not successful in
removing the MMC and it keeps showing up in the list of Add/Remove
programs without any indication of its size in the second column.Nor
can Add?remove operation remove it.
Is it possible to revive the Card by downloading the correct drivers
and if yes from where? The ATI web-site caters only to the yuppies of
ATI and the list of old drivers does not say which driver set will work
for a the AIW Radeon 8500 DV (without the Remote of the yuppies) Card.
So, please don't just hoodwink me asking me to go to the ATI web-site
and say, it has older drivers too.
I hope some soulmate who has gone throgh similar travails of ATI's user
friendly service will give meaningful help and enable me to re-start
functioning of the Card.
P. Jayant