Same problem with no resoultion. There is a Crceaive site that lists Vista
x64 drivers and the Siound Blaster 2 ZS is not nlisted aven though there is a
file "VIESFM_PCAPP_LB-2_40_60 from the download site that will dooe work
resulting in Alan Lewis' result. The Win XP Pro x64 driver will enavbe the
sound voulme icom lower left but that is it. After much frustration getting
no sound and bo printer 9EPSON pHOTO sTULUS 220, lEXMARK 1855 VIA lINKSYS
WIRED NET wps54gu2 to run, I am returning to Win XP Pro x64. Sent messages to
Epson amd Creative, typical corporate BS reply but theY should be aware it
the assages are forwarded to their develpopent tean and HOPEFULLY Micrsoft
monitors here,