I am currently teaching in Swaziland with a development organisation. As you
can imagine school and college resources are very scarce, and we have to make
do with what we can get. We need printers, and people give us old ones. Usually
we can scrounge or find old stocks of cartridges etc, but drivers are the
For example, can anyone tell me how to get hold of a driver to allow me to use
the old but perfectly serviceable Fax./copy/print HP laser Jet 3100 (we have
spare cartrideges)with Windows XP. HP simply do not support and it seems a
ridiculous waste just to dump OK equipment. There are lots of similar cases,
but I am just turning the machines away while kids never get access to printers
or stand in line for half an hour to use the basic inkjet or the dot matrix we
have working.
can imagine school and college resources are very scarce, and we have to make
do with what we can get. We need printers, and people give us old ones. Usually
we can scrounge or find old stocks of cartridges etc, but drivers are the
For example, can anyone tell me how to get hold of a driver to allow me to use
the old but perfectly serviceable Fax./copy/print HP laser Jet 3100 (we have
spare cartrideges)with Windows XP. HP simply do not support and it seems a
ridiculous waste just to dump OK equipment. There are lots of similar cases,
but I am just turning the machines away while kids never get access to printers
or stand in line for half an hour to use the basic inkjet or the dot matrix we
have working.