First off, good morning. So my problem goes as follows. Completely out of the blue, seeing as I have not installed any new hardware of any kind, I got a BSOD that, after disabling automatic restart, I managed to see it was a stop error that read DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. When I sent the error report to Microsoft it told me to follow a number of steps, which I did, among which was to disable any new audio hardware I might have installed. Like I said, I didn't install anything new and this happened totally out of the blue. I ran a virus scan which brought back nine trojans, which I promptly deleted, though i suspect one of these might have been what caused my problem. I don't know why my antivirus [Zonealarm] didn't pick them up and I certianly don't know where they came from, because I haven't really downloaded anything, but there you have it. The trojan that i repeatedly received was trojan.win32.buzus.adxw, but upon research I couldn't find out what it actually did, so i can't know for sure that this was what caused it. In any case the BSOD kept happening, specifically when my computer came out of hibernation or whenever I shut the lid and opened it again after a while -it's a laptop-. I tried to check the disk for errors and to my surprise it told me it was unable to check it. Same happened with the defragment tool. I scheduled chkdsk to happen when I rebooted but nothing happened when I did. Likewise, I realized that microsoft update wasn't working for me either. To try to see if something was wrongwith my hard drive I ran Belarc Advisor, because I wasn't sure what its manufacturer was, and I realized that I was missing a number of critical updates that I couldn't access in any way whatsoever because of the microsoft update issue. On top of this, i ran the Hitachi utility to see if something had gone funny with my hard disk and nothing's wrong. I tried windbg for the dmp files and it consistently tells me that the crashes are due to ntoskrnl.exe, although I don't know anything else because my computer expertise is limited at best. Now whenever my computer goes to the screen saver it doesn't come out. Lastly, autochk randomly started to run at reboot and it tells me it can't do anything because "autochk is not available for raw drives [...]" and I don't know what that is, because it's never happened before, though now it happens every single time I reboot. I'm at the point of reinstalling XP altogether, but I figured I would ask someone before I did this in case there's a solution I haven't found in my extensive weeklong research. I have the dmp files saved in case they're necessary for someone to kindly try to tell me what in the world is going on with my computer. I really would appreciate any help anyone can give me before I throw in the towel and format. Thanks!
First off, good morning. So my problem goes as follows. Completely out of the blue, seeing as I have not installed any new hardware of any kind, I got a BSOD that, after disabling automatic restart, I managed to see it was a stop error that read DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. When I sent the error report to Microsoft it told me to follow a number of steps, which I did, among which was to disable any new audio hardware I might have installed. Like I said, I didn't install anything new and this happened totally out of the blue. I ran a virus scan which brought back nine trojans, which I promptly deleted, though i suspect one of these might have been what caused my problem. I don't know why my antivirus [Zonealarm] didn't pick them up and I certianly don't know where they came from, because I haven't really downloaded anything, but there you have it. The trojan that i repeatedly received was trojan.win32.buzus.adxw, but upon research I couldn't find out what it actually did, so i can't know for sure that this was what caused it. In any case the BSOD kept happening, specifically when my computer came out of hibernation or whenever I shut the lid and opened it again after a while -it's a laptop-. I tried to check the disk for errors and to my surprise it told me it was unable to check it. Same happened with the defragment tool. I scheduled chkdsk to happen when I rebooted but nothing happened when I did. Likewise, I realized that microsoft update wasn't working for me either. To try to see if something was wrongwith my hard drive I ran Belarc Advisor, because I wasn't sure what its manufacturer was, and I realized that I was missing a number of critical updates that I couldn't access in any way whatsoever because of the microsoft update issue. On top of this, i ran the Hitachi utility to see if something had gone funny with my hard disk and nothing's wrong. I tried windbg for the dmp files and it consistently tells me that the crashes are due to ntoskrnl.exe, although I don't know anything else because my computer expertise is limited at best. Now whenever my computer goes to the screen saver it doesn't come out. Lastly, autochk randomly started to run at reboot and it tells me it can't do anything because "autochk is not available for raw drives [...]" and I don't know what that is, because it's never happened before, though now it happens every single time I reboot. I'm at the point of reinstalling XP altogether, but I figured I would ask someone before I did this in case there's a solution I haven't found in my extensive weeklong research. I have the dmp files saved in case they're necessary for someone to kindly try to tell me what in the world is going on with my computer. I really would appreciate any help anyone can give me before I throw in the towel and format. Thanks!