Sep 27, 2011
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I'm having a problem with DRIVER_IRQL_BOSD_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I'm using windows XP SP3 on an Atom based Industrial computer (Matrix MXE -1000). I'm running image rocognition SW there using a web camera and keep geting BOSD with STOP : 0x000000D1 (0x00000060,0x0000002,0x00000000,0xF78AAD6E) **** usbehci.sys ....
The SW is supposed to run all the time, but almost every day this error occueres.
does anyone have any idea how to fix it?
David Veltrubsky


  • IMG_4740.webp
    138.3 KB · Views: 1,957
The most typical cause is a bad device driver (one that uses improper addresses). It can also be caused by caused by faulty or mismatched RAM, or a damaged pagefile.

Welcome to PCReview. :)
Well, if the error happens only when that software runs, perhaps it is related to that software and webcam. Have you tried to remove and reinstall the software/hardware? The usbhci.sys makes me think that this is a usb webcam and perhaps Windows is taking issue with it. Possibly because it is failing or something was installed that caused a conflict. Try moving the webcam to another USB port (assuming that this is a usb camera) and see what happens. This gives the device a new hardware address and may resolve the issue.

As mucks said, you may have corrupted your driver. Again, this would fall in line with the R&R software and move the cam to another port.
THX for both replies, The SW is running on two computers and crashes with the BSOD from time to time. Because it is happening on both comps I guess it's not caused by faulty memory, nor is it a problem of a single USB port... I have written the SW myself so it is quite possible that it is me doing something wrong and it even seems that once i started to use videoInput library instead of regular opencv access to images form the cam, the problem occures more often. But on a third computer (win7) with a different camera there was no problem so far... The problematic camera is some clone of tucsen TCA 1.31 unfortunately I have not been able to find alternative drivers for it. One more odd fact is that the BSOD form both computers are exactly the same. There is no difference in address nor in time stamp, I have not seen the screens just photos have been send to me... is that possible or likely? The computers are in harash environment and the usb leeds are not to far from power cables, is it possible to have this problem as some result of power peak?

Thanks again
David Veltrubsky
Custom written software? Hrm...

But on a third computer (win7) with a different camera there was no problem so far

Sounds like you have an answer, as long as the configurations are all the same with exception to the camera. What if you move the successful camera to the problem machines? It definitely sounds like a driver issue with the problematic camera.
unfortunately I can not switch the camera due to the harash conditions. The problematic camera has custom made cooling system to survive :) Nor can I bring the problematic camera back here to the ok system cause 1) the project taks place to far ... 2) to calibrate the camera in it's position is a lot of trouble and possible only in a ceratin times ...
right you are.... I did and found the exact same site... I have downloaded the drivers from there, altough they seem to have a slightly different installer (compared to the ones I have from supplier) both claim to be version 1.0 so I'm not sure if there will be a difference... I can not test them at the moment, but still it's my big hope that they will make the difference. But because of I don't have the chance to update the program anytime i want, I'm tring to find as many possible solutions as possible. Thanks for the tip anyway I appreciate it a lot.
no problem.

I would figure that the issue would reside in the following, in this order: Drivers, Ports on the PC(you could test with a USB mouse or keyboard for USB function), Drivers for the USB ports on the system board, then ports again.

Ultimately, I would test with another camera to ensure proper function as you have not the proper drivers for the one camera type you do have. I understand that this isn't exactly easy given your setup but maybe you can drop in a standard webcam for a test to prove that the software can work.
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