Button bashing in practice for another round of Daley Thompson's
Unfortunately, "Not for WinME, WinNT, Win2000 or later."
Sorry, my bad.I confused it with another file. As a 98se(GLX,
not GTi) (l)user I need all those old/obsolete files or Windows won't
run ;-)
Annoyances.org is helpful.
There is a freeware-specific search engine/bot/plugin that would
probably aid finding such an application. Ironically, said search
engine/bot/plugin would also help me find wheretf I found said search
engine/bot/plugin as I've forgotten...
In 98, it's more a case of the system looking for things that
aren't there (Yes, please look for my iomega/zip/jazz/tape drive every
time you switch on, But please accept that it was only ever fitted to a
different machine, 30 miles away), and while I have 98ultralite (Windows
is now so small Start>Find>FilesOrFolders looks elsewhere) following a
long period of research, numerous backups, setups etc.involving lots of
tears I have more or less what I want until I finally turn into a
full-blown lunix..
But the applications (firewall, anti-virus, etc.) on startup
really slow the system - but as our first tasks are collecting
email,info,etc, - it's an acceptable trade-off. AMD Duron 800, and I've
just cranked the 486sx/33 over - once the valves warm up I'll see how
much dos she cannae take captain....